Introduced in 1988 by InsideFlyer magazine's Randy Petersen, the "Freddies" have grown in stature and importance to become the most prestigious member-generated awards in the travel loyalty industry.
Comarch is proud to be involved with the 6th Annual Customer Experience Strategies Summit (April 26-27, Toronto), Canada’s largest customer experience summit.
Due to the success of the first Comarch Smart Technologies meeting last year, we have decided to organize the 2nd edition in 2017.
Meet Comarch Smart City at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona, 27 February - 2 March 2017.
Meet Comarch at the leading CRM conference in DACH and learn how to create unique customer value
Loyalty 2017 will be held on 20-22 February in The Royal Garden Hotel in London, UK.
Comarch Loyalty Breakfast, 7th of December 2016 at Amsterdam ArenA. Special guest: our client EFR
The Smart Summit is a two-day conference and exhibition covering the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and its impact on the digital society.
The Customer Show Middle East, held at The Address Hotel in Dubai between 15th and 16th of November 2016.
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